

4th of August 2024-8th of August 2024

Sign up is open from 20th of November-15th of December 2023

Payment: 390/490/150 euro. First payment by 1st of January 2024. Installments until March 2024 if necessary.


Quick facts

Age limit: 18+

Number of players: 57

Price: 390/490/150 euro

Contact e-mail:



We are playing low fantasy and are NOT obsessed with historical correctness. This is not our world. The venue itself is a big scout’s cabin on an island in the middle of a lake. There is a forest around the location.

We suggest costumes with inspirations of style ranging from 1300-1800. But if you have an awesome Victorian dress that fits the Game of Thrones style, that is perfect as well.

Each house has its own sigil and you can use this as inspiration, but we will not predetermine house colours in order to give you more freedom to find your perfect costume.

You can use the photos from Spoils of War 2019 and 2022 as well the Pinterest board made by Eva Mærsk as inspiration:

Run 1
Run 2 
Pinterest board


Juulsborg on Møgelø 
Møgeløvej 13
8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

The location is an Island in a lake of Denmark which means that you will be sailed to the location from the mainland in small boats. We will coordinate sailing to the island later. You can park your car at Møgelø 13.


The location is not mobility friendly, since you have to be transported there by boat. 

Play will take place inside on one level as well as in the forest outside and in tents. In practice, you will have to get into a rowing boat to participate (there is an engine on it so no rowing unless you want to!). There will also be dark corners in the location. If you have any questions about if we can accomodate your accessibility needs, please reach out by email. 


The larp is played exclusively in English, and all communication from the organizers will be in English.


We serve three meals per day including Sunday at dinner to Thursday brunch. There will also be options go get food between the meals. The food is by default vegetarian, but there will be meat on the side for all who prefer that. Please tell about any dietary requirements you might have in the casting form.

Cups, glasses, plates and cutlery will be provided and you don’t need to do dishes.


There will be small amounts non-alcoholic drinks, and real alcohol will also be served. Please bring your own drinks if you want more also for the after party. Players deemed too intoxicated to participate responsibly will be removed from play. 

Sleeping and bathroom arrangements

Everybody sleeps offgame every night. 

With sponsor tickets, you will sleep in bunk beds in 4-person rooms with a bathroom as well connected to in each room. 

With reguar tickets, you sleep in bunk beds in 8-person rooms with a bathroom connected (and with two toilets in that bathroom)

Players with subsidized tickets will sleep in tents. We will look into getting tents but if you have one to bring, it would be very helpful.

For all participants with standard or sponsor tickets, we provide a mattress. So you should bring sheet, pillow and duvet/blanket/sleeping bag. People sleeping in tents should bring a camping bed as well as sleeping gear.

How to get there

By car there are good connections from all directions.

By train, you can reach the play area from all over Denmark. The train stops at Silkeborg St.

By plane, we recommend flying to Billund Airport, Hamburg  or to Copenhagen Airport, and take the train to Silkeborg st. (it takes 3 hours and costs about 70 Euro from Copenhagen).

When you get to the parking lot, you will be sailed to the location. This will be coordinated later.  


The schedule is pretty settled but there might be small changes along the way. This is so that you can plan your trip and know what you will spend the time on during the larp.

Saturday the 3rd of August: 

19:00    It is possible to arrive the night before from 19.00 forward. We will not serve dinner. If you want to arrive a day early, the price is 75 euro                                                                   and will include breakfast and lunch on Sunday.  

Sunday the 4th of August
09.00-11.30:  Arrival at the location. For people who have an extra night, brunch will be served from around 9.00. You will receive a personal folder containing your name tag,
pre-scene descriptions and time table. Get settled in your room.

11.30-12.00:   Organizers unavailable. Make sure to bring your own lunch and eat well before 12.00.
12.00-18.00: Workshops, talking to relations, putting on costume, pre-scenes including breaks.
18.00-20.00: Dinner and last workshops
20.00-20.15: The larps starts with preparations for a prisoner inspection on both sides.
Redmoor side in the throne room and Moon side outside.  Play in the war camps and the prisoner inspection happens.

00.00-01.00: Going offgame.

Monday the 5th of August

08.30-10.00: Off-game breakfast – be sure to be there so you have finished eating by 10.00.

08.30-10.30: Get into costume and photos. Talk with your relations

10.30-11.30: Negotiation workshop

11.30-12.15: Round of what everyone needs. Briefing of The Feast of Life

The annual event ‘The Feast of Life’ is celebrated with the two sides together during the afternoon. It is customary to eat lunch and celebrate Life even with your greatest

enemy – disregarding a war is going on. So there is a short truce, where all Moon-supporters will be let into the castle, invited by Queen Redmoor, and they will leave

quietly again afterward. It is a very important day for EVERYONE.


It is a celebration that is considered holy even to the most heretical of people in the world. It is strictly forbidden and frowned upon to talk politics during an event like

this. In practice, of course, people are going to do it anyway, but we would ask you to help to police each other in this regard – that is part of the fun with risking it. This

event is also another possibility to see your captured loved ones and how they have been treated. Going offgame. 

12.15-12.30: Common portrait of everyone

12.30-17:00: Spoils of War starts again. Arrive at The Feast of Life at 13.15

17.00-17.30: Take a break + calibration if you like

17:30-18.30:  Offgame dinner. Calibrate with relations if you like. 

18:15-18.30: Demonstration of how a trial works while finishing dinner

19:00:              Briefing of what will happen when Moon Keep falls. The winning side breaks open the castle.

18.45-01.00:      Ingame until offgame time at 01:00 or until you go to bed. During this night at least the following things will happen: 

  • Negotiations (subjects chosen from the itinerary) 
  • Trial against Commander Phillip Hala
  • Trial against Lord General Kirill Mantis Styx + Lady Xarafina Styx

01:00 Offgame 


Tuesday the 6th of August

08.30-09.30 : Off-game breakfast

09.30-10.00 : Calibration and round of what everyone needs

10.00            : Start scene: Trial Burning of Saw Wood
Negotiation + ingame lunch
Trial against Mortan Xia 
Trial against Lady General Thilda Baan (end around 14.00)

 16.00: Negotiations 
17.00: Trial: The Realm v. Redmoor
18.00: Ingame dinner
20.00: Negotiations
22.00: Trial: Killing of Lady Xylia Styx + Lady Xorra Styx
01.00 : Offgame for the night.


Wednesday the 7th of August

08.30-09.30 Offgame breakfast
09.30-10.00 Calibration and round of what everyone needs
10.00-14.00 Possibility for trials and negotiations
14.00 Spoils of War ends. There is a very short required debrief and then a longer, voluntary debrief option. We would like some help taking down tents for those who are up for doing something practical but it is not mandatory. You can leave around 16.00 if you need to. 

18.00: Dinner and then party afterwards.


Thursday the 8th of August


11.00: :Everybody makes sure to have all their personal belongings away from the rooms.

14.00: : All cleaning is finished and the last people will sail away from the island.